Overview of the Ministry Formation Program

Click Here for Cohort Application Form MFP – 1

The Ministry Formation Program is an opportunity for Ruling Elders or other church members wishing to grow in faith and understanding, to more fully participate in the ministry of their congregations or other congregations in their presbyteries. There are many ways to serve, including becoming Ruling Elders commissioned to serve a congregation.

The Plan

This is a two-year process deploying a two-track curriculum – an online track administered by Columbia Theological Seminary, and a live track administered by the Presbytery of Wabash Valley, with cohort gatherings hosted by congregations of the PWV. All participants will be on both tracks simultaneously.

All participants will be assigned to a cohort led by two mentors/facilitators/teachers and will meet six times each year.

Orientation gathering (ZOOM) June 25, 2022

Fall 2022
Track 1: Online in partnership with Columbia Theological Seminary

Bible -1: Old Testament survey with attention to interpretation

Cohort members will participate in the online discussion forum

Track 2: Live cohort gatherings will take place after each course for the purposes of:

-conversation about the online learning

-support in the study and learning processes


 -self-care and spiritual direction

-pastoral care


-worship development


-leadership (moderating sessions, conflict resolution, etc.)

-preaching learning and practice

-worshiping together

Winter 2023

Track 1: Online

Bible -2: New Testament survey with attention to interpretation

Cohort members will participate in the online discussion forum

Track 2: Live – Continuation of cohort gatherings

 Summer 2023

Track 1: Online – Exegesis: The Psalms

Track 2: Live – Continuation of cohort gatherings

Fall 2023

Track 1: Online – Reformed Confessions and Theology

Track 2: Live – Continuation of cohort gatherings

Winter 2024

Track 1: Online – Presbyterian Polity

Track 2: Live – Continuation of cohort gatherings

 Spring 2024

Track 1: Online – Understanding Congregations

Track 2: Final project – design and delivery of a worship service and sermon


Participants can expect their costs to be $1200 over two years.
Tuition to Columbia will be about $900 total.
Books and travel are estimated at about $300.

The process for applying for the Ministry Formation Program:

1. Complete and submit the online application Form MFP – 1

2. Print off  MFP-2 Session Evaluation Report meet with Session, have Clerk complete, sign and return to Presbytery office.