Ministry Formation Program:
A Growth Opportunity for Church Members

The Presbytery of Wabash Valley invites you to spread the word about our next cohort, the latest installment in our Ministry Formation Program, which prepares ruling elders for service as commissioned ruling elders or for those who wish to take a deeper dive into discernment as a leader.

Online classes through the Center for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary, combined with in-person gatherings over a two-year period are affordable, accessible, and exciting.

The process for applying for the Ministry Formation Program:
1. Complete and submit the application Form MFP – 1 below
2. Print  MFP-2 Session Evaluation Report Form,  meet with Session, have Clerk complete, sign and return to Presbytery office.

Form MFP - 1

Application to enroll in the Ministry Formation Program of the Presbytery of Wabash Valley

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Name of Applicant:*
Current Address*
Are you an ordained elder?*
Have you consulted with your presbytery about this program?
Address of Church
Have you ever applied to a presbytery to be enrolled in the care process for
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.