The Ministry & Outreach Committee’s purpose is to partner with PWV congregations in extending God’s love to the world through Christian evangelism, discipleship or service.

Our task is to help incubate, encourage and facilitate cooperative effort in mission among PWV churches. Ideally, projects will be a congregation’s mission and the request would initiate from the congregation with Session approval.

The Ministry & Outreach Committee will serve as a clearinghouse for mission projects and when possible, share in funding for the work.

Ministry & Outreach Committee Members:

  • RE Matthew Byerly, Moderator, Valparaiso, First
  • RE Nancy Clark, Vice-Moderator, Auburn
  • RE Debbie Crouse, Lebanon, First
  • RE Gwynn Wills, Crawfordsville, Wabash Avenue

Staff Support:

  • Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis, Visioning & Connecting Leader