Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Presbytery Mission Ministry Team is grateful to be in ministry partnership with you on behalf of the presbytery.


The Presbytery Council delegates to its Mission Ministry Team the specific tasks to receive applications for congregational mission activities, evaluate the requests, and make recommendations to Presbytery Council for funding as appropriate.

Applications may be completed online or addressed to the Mission Ministry Team through the Presbytery office.  Please allow up to three months for your application to be processed.

Using the following criteria as a guide, please write a narrative mission grant proposal for your project/program.

  • How does the project/program reflect the love and justice of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
  • How is the project/program in concert with the Vision of the PWV (Serving Christ, Enhancing Congregations, Connecting Communities)?
  • How does the project/program impact the lives of others outside the originating congregation in a meaningful way?
  • Does the project/program involve or originate within the PWV from churches or members of churches and does it have Session endorsement?
  • Is the project/program collaborative, financially feasible, and doable?
  • How will there be accountability for use of PWV funds?
  • How will the project/ program be sustained after the initial funding?
  • Is the project/program open to serve without discrimination?
  • Is the congregation making the request willing to “interpret” their project/program to the entire PWV?
  • How will the church partner financially with the Presbytery of Wabash Valley in this project investment?

Questions or need assistance please contact the presbytery office at 574-223-5678 or

PWV Mission Grant Application

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