Dear Colleagues in Ministry:
Through a generous gift from the Frank and Laura Smock Foundation, the three presbyteries in Indiana are able to offer rest and renewal grants of up to $2,000 for ministers and commissioned pastors serving a congregation in one of the presbyteries, as well as those serving as chaplains.
Pastors and chaplains are invited to apply for funds to be used for any reasonable and renewing purpose. Grants can also supplement other funds for sabbatical support or simple rest and renewal for a period of time. Ordinarily, grants are to be used in the 2023 calendar year.
To learn more about the grant, please click on this link:
It will take you to a page on the Presbytery of Ohio Valley’s website. You can read about the grant and fill out a very simple application. When you hit the “submit” button, the three presbytery leaders will receive the completed application. We will review them, and notify you by email, usually within two weeks.
If you have any questions, please be in touch.
Blessings to you this day,
Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis
Visioning and Connecting Leader
Presbytery of Wabash Valley
Synod of Lincoln Trails PC(USA)